1. Teamspeak 3 Crossfire Icons 1

Hi Tony.First of all, congratulations on your nice icon pack. It's a very nice collection.However, you did not create all of these icons. The rank icons that you included in this package, were created by me. And as my original licence agreement on states, you are allowed to share the rank icons that I made, as long as you state by whom they were made and link back to my website. Claiming that you made these rank icons, without linking back to my website, is in violation with the licence agreement that you accepted when you downloaded my rank icons.So you can either remove the download, or you can give credit where credit is due, and mention my name and link back to my website.Thank you.Syrah. Nice try, but the 18 rank icons that you have in your icon pack have the EXACT SAME md5 hash (checksum) as the original CS:GO TeamSpeak Rank icons that I made back in January of this year, which proves (with 100% certainty) that you copied my rank icons.Proof:And as you can see, my creation date is 5 months prior to your 'creation' (=copy) date:The other icons are not mine, but the 18 matchmaking rank icons.are mine., and you are NOT allowed to release them as your own creation.So you can either credit me, or I will take legal action.

Teamspeak 3 Crossfire Icons

I have licenced these icons under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share-A-like 4.0 International License, as clearly stated on my website. I am the holder of the copyright on these images, and reproducing or sharing them without referencing the original creator is against the law. Well, as far as I'm concerned the show is over:-).

Teamspeak 3 server icons

It's pathetic how some people steal other people's creations, claim that they are their own, and then even start fabricating proof to support this.Oh and by the way, the 'modificato il' date means nothing. If I open the files in paint (or any program for that matter), and re-save them, it also says the files were 'created' (modified) that day. Lol.It's really simple. I'm not telling you to remove the files, just mention my name, how hard can it be?

Just say: 'some of the icons in this pack were created by Syrah ( )'. And then we can all be friends:).

Originally posted by:So if i download a rank image on and i edit it with photoshop. How can other people do a own icon's rank if you say that.i don't even know what a md5 is.

Are you kidding me or what?what i should do.make it again? Show to you how i did it?stop spam here and if you want to do other question: pls. Basically what Syrah did was show you (via matching the checksums) that you stole the images. If you made your own images the checksum that was on 'your' images would be different from hers, and because they aren't we know that you stole them, and are now breaking copyright by labelling them as yours. Fussball manager 2002 vollversion kostenlos musik download.

Teamspeak 3 Crossfire Icons 1

This time, i want to present about Arma 3 TeamSpeak Icon, there are handy materials collected that i get. Probable you can save these icon images, for a moment seems can bring some contribution for you as graphic file. Perhaps, you haven't found these arma 3 teamspeak icons 16x16, arma 3 teamspeak icons 16x16 and teamspeak 3 icon packs before, it can be seen that there are some perfect inspiration to make new design.Beside that, you will get another Arma 3 TeamSpeak Iconin this page, such as arma 3 teamspeak icons 16x16, teamspeak icon arma 3 and arma 3 logo. It's possible to change the colors and replace all the elements after you download one of them. Last, I hope this gallery can give you more creativity, inspiration and also fresh ideas to improve the appearance of your new work.You could use the original file from the source link on each pictures.

Let's hit share button you want, so your friends, family, teamwork or also your community can visit newdesignfile.com. Designing Tips:. The best way to start any project in your sketchbook: get your ideas on paper, and be disjointed. Push ideas around, make comments, document everything that comes into your head. When I plan an image, everything usually comes from keywords and sketches, from there it is just a layout issue. Use the forms to create contrast and offset your text from your clutter. Is the art of using line in every field or not areas.

Keep an eye on the basic styles such as art of the line to define zones. If you will use it, use it throughout your entire creation. Even with detailed reports, there is no need to illustrate each element to create a complete image.

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