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In FAST - Racing League it's the year 2112 and the masses are fascinated by extreme high-speed races. The latest antigravity racing technology introduced phase-shifting. Perfectly phase-matching tracks and racing machines is the key to survival.Prepare yourself for a whole new racing experience at breakneck speeds. Push your skills to the limit to win races and beat records.Metacritic Game Reviews, FAST - Racing League for Wii, In the year 2112, the masses are fascinated by extreme high-speed races. The latest antigravity racing. Description centre /centre Release Title: FAST - Racing League wiiwarePal-TLS Release Date: May 27, 2011 Platform: Wii Genre: PC & Video Games Nintendo Wii.Challenge your friends to an all-out split-screen competition.
Compete against ruthless opponents and race to the top of all leagues. Warm up your engines – the future is now. Contents. Emulation Information Variable Framerate Mode Fast - Racing League features a setting called 'Variable Framerate' which lets the game run as fast as it can instead of locking to 30 FPS. If you turn this setting on and Overclock Dolphin's Emulated CPU Clockrate, the game will run at 60 FPS without any framedrops. Fast Racing League WiiProblems There are no reported problems with this title. Configuration This title does not need non-default settings to run properly.
Libros De Biologia General
Version Compatibility The graph below charts the compatibility with FAST - Racing League since Dolphin's 2.0 release, listing revisions only where a compatibility change occurred. Compatibility can be assumed to align with the indicated revisions. However, compatibility may extend to prior revisions or compatibility gaps may exist within ranges indicated as compatible due to limited testing.goodtextmafia.