  1. Dream Cheeky Usb Drum Kit Driver Download

It doesn't matter weather you're middle management or tech support. You deserve to experience all the thrills of a Rock 'n Roll lifestyle. You might also deserve a vacation and a raise, but we can't help you about that. What we can do instead is offer you a roll-up drum kit which plugs into your USB port so you can wail away and pretend to be someone that matters.This Roll-Up Drum Kit includes 6 different pad areas (two toms, snare & kick). Just install the included software, plug the kit in, and let your apparently talented fists-of-fury fly. You have the choice between 50 percussion sounds, 100 preprogrammed beats and 20 preprogrammed percussion sets.

Dream Cheeky Usb Drum Kit Driver Download

If you're a n00b, a 3-level 'learning mode' allows you to play along pre-recorded beats. Otherwise, you could just have fun in 'free play' mode. There's also a record feature that lets you save your riffs to a wave file so you can share them with your family and friends.

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