Arduino Delphi Serial Communication With Arduino
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Serial Communication Arduino
Did you look at the linked to web page to make sure you were using substring correctly? Also, I see from the comments that you did print it out the received string and you did see 'send' in the received message, correct? You may just want to comment out the serial read line and try using 'String str = '12345 send 1234';' to test if everything is working. Judging for other comments you might quickly try sending (typing in) 'space'+'send'+'space' (' send ') to see if that works.–Jan 1 '18 at 22:15.
Delphi Serial Port Component
Serial Communication between Arduino and Java has never been simpler. A better alternative to the RXTX library, the JavaArduinoLibrary is an easy to use library with simple methods that allow you, the JAVA programmer, to read and write from the serial port. Seamless serial communication with the port of your choice.Consists of a class that extends the JComboBox to provide a list of all available ports for selection.Overloaded functions for serialWrite and serialRead allow multiple methods.