How To Hack Viaccess

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Seems is no good. The eeprom is probably ok but the PIC is wrong. Thismight bea bit more useful.Thanks to whoever wrote this.
No name so can't credit.DaveSmartcard Exploration:Introduction:Tools:Smartmouse3 smartcard reader - Phoenix mode (Reset LOW) - quartz at3,579 MhzSEASON Interface (self powered) - NOKIA 9800S - THOMSON - SAGEM decodersDecrypt 2.45 & Windecrypt 1.05SCIntegrator for the first testsWINEXPLORER 4.3 (by Dexter) under WINDOWS 98SCAM, STEST et SIO under LINUXTPS Viaccess smartcard (FRENCH BOUQUET)Aim - Disclaimer:These notes are for educational purposes only. The aim is to understandthe viaccess communication protocol between a digital decoder (MPEG2)and a smartcard.All the tools used for this purpose are in public domain and the referencebooks are sold in France, in every good electronics shops. No subscriptionor participation in any forbidden group or organisation has been realised.Eventually, a brute force key search will be done with the aim to validatethe knowledge acquired during this study. This study is not a pirateattack against TPS, for what I pay a subscription. The TPS Viaccesscard is here only one element of a global system, which uses the viaccessprotocol. I could not be held responsible for the use or misuse thatpeople could do with these information.A glossary is at the end of this document.Progress has to be sharedGenerality:Viaccess cards are BULL PC2 or PC3 models.
They may be built under BULL'slicense.WinExplorer 4.3 parameters:PHOENIX mode (Reset Low).9600 BdsParity: ODDPROGRAM SETTINGS options: noneinverse conventionProtocol Format:CLA INS P1 P2 LENCLA: classINS: instructionP1: Parameter N01P2: Parameter N02LEN: Data LengthAll dialog between card and computer is in hexadecimal.ATR (Answer to reset):The ATR is the smartcard signature. It defines the convention used (director inverse) and the protocol for the communication establishment betweenthe smartcard and the decoder.Classic ATR:3F 77 18 25 00 29 14 00 62 68 90 00This ATR is observed not only on TPS smartcards, but also on SRGSSR(Swiss) and NTV+ (Russia).
It is totally independent from TPS, and itseems to be the viaccess standard ATR.3F Inverse convention 77 7 historical bytes TA1, TB1, TC1 transmittedTD1 not transmitted. 18 TA1 25 TB1 Vpp = 5 V, 50 mA max 00 TC1 Guarddelay / 2 bits TD1 not transmitted Protocole T=0 asynchrone in half-duplex9600 bds 29 14 00 62 68 historical bytes 90 00 End of transmission -okSpecific ATR:3F 27 17 C4 01 2C 29 14 00 62 68 90 00This ATR was seen only on a TPS card, when using it in a THOMSON decoder(rented in a TPS pack).

We can notice that the same card used in a NOKIA9800S decoder send the classic ATR (3F 77 18 25 00 29 14 00 ) and not this one (3F 27 17 C4 01 2C 29 14 00 62 68 90 00). Moreover,the same card gives also the normal ATR when it is used in a SAGEM decoder(also rented in a TPS pack).Both, THOMSON and SAGEM decoder, have a built in modem, which permitto update the subscription 'on line' and to pay for some films onmultivision(PPV channels)3F Inverse convention 27 TB1 transmitted, 7 historical bytes 17 TB1Vpp = 23 V, 25 mA C4 undetermined 01 undetermined 2C undetermined 2914 00 62 68 historical bytes 90 00 End of transmission - okWe can conclude that the ATR type is in relation with the decoder usedin one case (THOMSON). This mean that the card might act differentlyand that it is dependant of the decoder used.Conclusion:THOMSON and SAGEM decoder have both the capacity to prepay for filmaccounts and to modify the subscriptions 'on line', using their internalmodem. (Usually only for upgrading the subscriptions).The TPS card seems to have more than one application: at least twodifferent software are included (because of the two different ATR).These two applications are not in relation with PPV functions orsubscriptionmodification functions (because the SAGEM decoder has the same capabilitiesas the THOMSON decoder concerning these functions).
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The second applicationand the specific ATR might be in relation with the decoder software(OpenTV).Smartcard instruction set:The instruction analysis is based on EurocryptM specifications (accordingto John Mc Donald musings). Each difference between viaccess and EurocryptMwill be mentioned.Supported classes:87 FAC class (general information data ex: numiro prestataire)BC Undetermined class. This class has never been seen in the logs.We can find it in the BULL CP8 banking card instruction set.CA Execution classComment: 87 & CA classes are also in EurocryptM protocol.87 Class supported instructions:Instruction 02: FAC reading preparationExample: 87 02 00 00 03Comment: Initialisation of FAC transmission demand (general purposedata or facility data in Eurocrypt speak). The decoder indicate thatit will transmit a three bytes bloc, which is the reference of the blocto be read by the smartcard.Answer to instruction test 87 02 00 00 00 = 67 00 (incorrect length)Instruction 04: asks for the FAC bloc reference to be transmittedExample: 87 04 00 00 07Comment: Follow the previous instruction.
A seven bytes long word isawaited by the decoder: bloc reference (2 bytes) - block length (2bytes) - 3 '00' bytes to fill the gaps.Instruction 06: asks for the FAC data to be transmittedExample: 87 06 00 00 09Comment: Indicates that the decoder is ready to receive the data fromthe block. Thre relative address is confirmed by P1 & P2 bytes. 9 bytesare awaited.Comment: All the viaccess 87 class instructions are the same as EurocryptMclass 87 instructions.BC class supported instructions:Instruction 52: undeterminedComment: The answer at the instruction test BC 52 00 00 00 is 6B (badreference / address). The 52 instruction is the only one supported inthis class. It is now obvious that the viaccess card is not a BULL CP8model card (Scott class).

This family of smartcards has its full instructionset in the BC class. This is not the case with the TPS card.
The BC52 command never appears in the logs, and is still undetermined as attoday.Comment: the BC classe does not show up in EurocryptM classes.To be done: Find the valid referencesCA class supported instructions:Instruction 18: key / subscriptions updateAddressing process:If P1 = 00: In EurocryptM, this parameter is used to address theinstructionto the entire audience. This case has never been seen in viaccess.
Itmight exist on cards programmed to work on more than one single bouquet(more than one provider). All the available data we have at this timeare issued from single provider cards (TPS, SRGSSR, or NTV+). A multiprovider card might use P1=00.The TPS card answer 18 when the command CA 18 00 01 19 is passed: thismeans that the card accepts this process with P1=00If P1 = 01: This case is generally observed in viaccess (logs fromSRGSSR & NTV+). The form is the same as in EurocyptM. This permit theaddressing of the update to a specific group (shared group) of the audience.The TPS card answers 92 00 when the command CA 18 01 01 19 is passed: 92 00 answer is still to be defined.If P1 = 02: In EurocryptM, this is used to address the update to aspecific card.