1. Dak Bread Machine Recipe Book

Update 2011: I'm glad these videos have helped so many people out! To the more sensitive, yes, it is a very messy college kitchen that was shared by 4 college students. To make a clean area for this video most of the mess was moved into the sinks where the people who made them dirty would, one day, clean them.

I called Singer and they want another $100. Futura ce-200 software. I have the Update disc that I purchased a couple years ago but I can't find the original Operating Disc. If someone has the files and are willing to share them it would be such a GREAT help.

Dak Bread Machine Recipe Book

Dak Auto Bakery Manual

Here's a tasty loaf of white bread that is easy to make and is a good test of your machine. It came out really good too!

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