Biography Of Voltaire Pdf
Voltaire.1718, the revised (changed for improvement) play opened in Paris to asensational success. TheHenriade,begun in the Bastille and published in 1722, was Voltaire'sattempt to compete against Virgil (70–19B.C.E.) and to give France an epic poem (a long poem centered around alegendary hero).While Voltaire stayed in England (1726–1728) he was greatlyhonored; Alexander Pope (1688–1744), William Congreve(1670–1729), Horace Walpole (1717–1797), and Henry St.John, Viscount Bolingbroke (1658–1751), praised him; and hisworks earned Voltaire one thousand pounds. Voltaire learned English byattending the theater daily, script in hand. He also absorbed Englishthought, especially that of John Locke (1632–1704) and Sir IsaacNewton (1642–1727), and he saw the relationship between freegovernment and creative business developments. Contact Us. More importantly, Englandsuggested the relationship of wealth to freedom.

Voltaire Biography

A Short Biography Of Voltaire

Voltaire Life
The only protection,even for a brilliant poet, was wealth.